A country house undoubtedly has many advantages over a city apartment. After all, it is in the summer cottage that you can embody all your dreams of a country life into reality. Finish something, improve something or create an extension needed by you.
And the main advantage of the cottage is the opportunity to relax in the fresh air. How to design a country house? For this you will need a special program for creating architectural projects.
Before starting designing a house, make a detailed plan of your site. After all, it is on it that you will build your cottage. This will allow you to create as a directly architectural project, so the design of the cottage on which you can see the complete picture of the location of all buildings. You can also work on landscape design.
First of all, you should think over a few important points: what material you plan to build a house, what will be the general number of storeys of the cottage, whether you will have frequent guests, people of the age will live in the cottage and how much tenants will be in total. Naturally, a lot will depend on such information, for example, the number of rooms in the house, their location on the floors, the presence of a pool, a spa area or a sports hall, etc. If older people live in the house, then their rooms should be located on the ground floor.
Living rooms should be placed so that during the day there was more light. In other words, they are better to place them in the southeast or south. Place the place for the pantry, bathroom and kitchen in the northern part of the cottage. After that, you can draw up a plan for each room separately. This will help you put furniture in the room before building a house and find out what size there should be rooms.
To see the house in miniature, draw all the walls of the house. This will allow you to choose building material for the decoration of the facade.
After the layout is completed, it will be easier for you to make up the drawings of your building. To create a working project, you will have to install a special program on the computer, which will allow you to complete the design.
It is enough to place all the elements of your structure in the program. You can look at your future cottage from all sides and make changes. You can start building a house only after the project is approved with specialists of certain instances.