Windows of an unusual shape will cost more than the same in the area of glazing, but standard windows. It is more difficult to order them and you will have to expect a longer execution of the order. As necessary, you can order round, semicircular, semicircular with a two -beam or Gothic arch, triangular, trapezoidal, elliptical, arched windows. The cheapest are trapezoidal and triangular windows, the cost of which will be approximately 45% higher than the cost of a standard window of similar area. A window in the form of an ellipse, mounted in a “bull eye” lucarne, can cost three times more than a standard. It should be borne in mind that some forms based on the beliefs of the technology cannot be made of PVC, but it can be made of wood. Extraordinary forms of windows are often needed when restoring the structure of the architecture monument or designing a house in a certain style. But they completely fit into the type of modern buildings, as they add attractiveness and elegance to ordinary and serious forms.