Interior doors to Kyiv
What properties should the perfect door have? Definitely: sound permeability, heat resistance, lightness. Thus there is a contradiction — on the one hand, the door should be easy, and on the other hand, soundproof.
For the manufacture of good doors, coniferous wood is usually used. Before starting work, wood is dried in a hangar for three weeks at a temperature of sixty degrees Celsius. Here drying alternates with moisture. Why such difficulties? This is necessary so that the drying of the wood does not go sharply, but evenly and the tree does not crack. But why spend three weeks at all on drying wood? Why you can’t make a raw wood door? HECHO that when dried the wood is sitting. If the material is not pre -dried, then the finished door can become less. So drying wood is necessary.
In production and expensive and cheap doors, not only a whole tree is used, but also a woody canvas. It is made of wood chips impregnated with glue.
It turns out the source material for expensive and for cheap doors the same. The whole secret in the ratio of materials. There are more solid wood in expensive doors, and in the cheaps the woody canvas prevails. Only the base is made of whole wood — a rectangular frame. And the expensive door is collected from whole boards.
The cheap door is going quickly. First make a frame, and then inside it is filled with cardboard. Therefore, the cheap door is much easier. Cardboard is shot to the base of thin stilettos. Then the door goes to the conveyor, and then a hole for the window inserts is cut in the resulting door exactly along the contour.
The door made at the factory cannot immediately be put in the room. The master should be tuned with door loops, lock and handle — this is called accessories.
There are no trifles in the selection of interior doors. Now the question of the manufacture of interior doors should not cause big difficulties.